Dolphin User Types - Contracts

Contracts created through Dolphin consists of different user types. It is important to understand these differences.

In this article:

  • Differences of Dolphin Contract Users

Differences of Dolphin contract users

Contract Owner:

The abilities of the Contract Owner (denoted as Owned By in Dolphin) consist of:

  • Is the designated person responsible for the contract.
  • Can comment on internal and external spaces (automatically added) and needs no invitation to the collaboration space.
  • Recieves an alert when the contract is signed off.
  • Can be any user in Dolphin365 (Manager/Author/Reader).

Contract Manager:

The abilities of the Contract Manager (Denoted as Managed By in Dolphin) consist of:

  • Recieves alerts when Contract date change (end date/reminder date/renewal date) are made.
  • A Contract Manager can be a Dolphin365 Author or a Dolphin365 Manager.
  • Any Dolphin365 Manager or Author in the system can change the “state” of a contract except Readers.
  • The Contract Manager can only be changed by a Dolphin365 Manager or by himself.

Contract Creator:

  • This is only a text field to show the person who created the contract

See Also:

  • Comments
  • Alerts